Sunday, December 8, 2019

Analyze Role Technologies Used In Modern - Myassignmethelp.Com

Question: Analyze Role Technologies Used In Modern? Answer: Introduction: Supply Chain is a standout amongst the most vital business areas in any organizational facility. Supply chain is the point in the operation process that determines distribution efficiency and also directly influences the quality of the product that a customer buys. Supply chain consists of various important stages that are required while satisfying customer requests (Brandenburg et al. 2014). It begins when the product passes through the producer, distributor and retailer to finally reach the desired end customer. In other terms the supply chain management is the overview of the products/materials, data and finances during the ongoing process of moving from suppliers to producers to wholesaler to retailer to end customer (Christopher 2016). Discussion: The advents of new technologies in business are helping to create strategic conveniences for the companies to adopt a competitive ground of advantages in a multitude of functional areas of management including the area of supply chain management. It can also be stated that the amount of success is totally dependent on the utilization of technologies for the concerned application, management and culture policies and the organizational infrastructure (Rushton Croucher and Baker 2014). In Supply chains use of automation and communication innovation through technology has considerably increased identification speed, gathering of data, processing of data, analysis of data and transmission of the data, with relatively higher level of reliability and accuracy. In many ways technology has enhanced how business conducts their supply chain process. Technology has enable business to be more competitive and increased the overall performance (Lin 2014). The Technologies Being Used In Modern Supply Chains Are Grouped Into: Automatic Identification Technology Communication technology Information Technology Automatic Identification Technology Automatic Identification term is used to describe direct input of information and data to a computer system, logic controller or a device useing micro processor without the manual input from a keyboard. The technology group includes Bar-coding, voice inputs and Radio Frequency Identification (RFID). Automatic Identification is used in tracking of packages, cartons containers or vehicles carrying goods while on time bound dispatch to customers. Significant benefits of Automatic Identification are like accuracy, savings in cost, increase in seed and ability to instantaneously store data and process information (Ross 2016). Bar- Coding: It is sequence of unique line parallel to one other with defined thickness and spaces present in between the bars are also items of information in a coded form where the variations on line indicate certain part of the information. Bar-Codes can be read with the help of barcode scanners. Advantages of Bar- Coding include. Ease in identification of items in the time of storage, pickup, dispatch and billing. Reduce manual paperwork and processing time. Reduction in human error. Increase in productivity through accuracy, speed and reliability. Impact of Bar- Coding in supply chain management are seen in every slept of the process like procurement process where the product brought in from suppliers are assigned unique Bar-Codes containing the item name , serial number , batch number and so on. The information on the assigned Bar-Code helps to identify and track the product. Processing and scanning the Bar-code will provide the identification base on the entry date into the store. In production operation identification of goods in production process and finished product gets easier with Bar-coding. Similarly in Distribution operation Bar-codes helps to identify and track products in transit. Radio Frequency Identification (RFID): RFID is an Automatic Identification and Data Capture (AIDC) technology. It allows reading with no physical contact and has been effective in manufacturing and environments were bar-codes cannot survive. It wirelessly exchanges data between tagged item and the reader. RFID is the technology used in Radio Frequency Tag (RFT) which is a silicon chip that is programmable and the memory is erasable (Jones and Chung 2016.). The coded data is stored in the chips and can be read through assigned readers with the help of radio waves. RFTS can be attached to anything from trains to people. It avoids the hassle of paperwork and is more durable than printed Bar-codes. RFID has significant impact on supply chain management like improvement in ability to better manage inventory, improve efficiency of complex distribution process, and enable automatic toll collection in highways (Liu 2015). Voice inputs: In distribution centre applications; it enables the specialist or the employee to input the information into a computer without utilizing the use of any keboard or console. It helps keep the distribution centre specialists hands free to allow easy pickup, pack and review of the products involved. Communication Technology Communication, either oral form or written is an exceptionally significant part in context of business achievements. The accompanying are some of the rising communication advancements, that are empowering influences for better client benefit driving leading through the speed and precision in correspondence. Electronic Data Interchange (EDI): EDI technology is utilized in the exchange of business records from one system to another. With the use of EDI business records, for example, solicitations and checks can be sent electronically starting from one system then onto the next. So yes EDI is a drive towards paperless archive exchanges. There are associated benefits of EDI with include Faster Transaction: real time transfer of document in supply chain. Cost reduction due to the paperless process. Time reduced in order cycle and inventory. Geographical positioning System (GPS): GPSis guidance and positioning system that can when embedded to a vehicle and any person that can be traced with utmost accuracy by utilizing various Geo Stationary Satellites and it has an accuracy of almost a meter (Leick Rapoport and Tatarnikov 2015). Web Based Tracking: With this the clients can track their shipments with the help off the internet. This data helps in the overall planning of the dispatch schedules and also follow up with the concerned clients for the means of payment collections. Information Technology (IT) IT includes gear and programming that stores, examinations and give information wherever it is required. Since the store network administrator is described as arrangement of affiliations, these affiliations cannot shape a framework unless they are related through IT, when looking into straight forwardness in the production network and modifying the inventory network practices towards customer. IT tools used in supply chain management Includes Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP): ERP is incorporated in programming, enveloping of all the various business related operations and to realize the huge changes in the way various individuals work. ERP is a form of business arrangement that delivers to certain noted issues in business. ERP is exceptionally expensive and a very complex exercise which requires a certain degree of adequate measure of arrangements. Advantages of ERP includes Response to customer is quicker. Inventory cost is reduced Improvement in service levels both internal and external. Industry turnover rate is improved. Automated Inventory Tracking System (AITS): The AITS is an IT gadget that gives a continuous status of the stock levels of the various numbers of things at retail stores, feeder and mother distribution centres. For assessing the items sold, information is passed on directly to the supplier after that the items stock level is checked at feeder and mother distribution hub. (Griesmann et al. 2014). Conclusion Technology is tool to improve supply network competitiveness and execution by upgrading the general viability and proficiency of coordination framework. Consequently picking the correct innovations required for different supply exercises or in sub-forms is exceptionally urgent for any business to gain a increased upper hand in the present day aggressive market. References Brandenburg, M., Govindan, K., Sarkis, J. and Seuring, S., 2014. Quantitative models for sustainable supply chain management: Developments and directions.European Journal of Operational Research,233(2), pp.299-312. Christopher, M., 2016.Logistics supply chain management. Pearson UK. Griesmann, D.S., Ekl, R.L. and Jain, B., Motorola Solutions, Inc., 2014.Method and apparatus for optimizing reader power consumption by varying poll parameters in an automated inventory tracking system. U.S. Patent 8,681,001. Jones, E.C. and Chung, C.A., 2016.RFID and Auto-ID in Planning and Logistics: A Practical Guide for Military UID Applications. CRC Press. Leick, A., Rapoport, L. and Tatarnikov, D., 2015.GPS satellite surveying. John Wiley Sons. Lin, H.F., 2014. 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